

Biomaterials field focuses on the development of materials and devices for replacement or regeneration of tissues and organs to improve the health of human beings.

Faculty Members

Bora Garipcan, PhD

Duygu Ege, PhD

Banu İyisan, PhD


Biomimetic and Bioinsipired Surfaces Research LaBORAtory

Biomaterials Production and Characterization

Biofunctional Nanomaterials Design (BIND) Laboratory

Bora Garipcan (Biomimetic and Bioinsipired Surfaces Research LaBORAtory)

Garipcan`s research group focuses on surface engineering of several biomaterials (such as Ti, Si, Au, biodegradable polymers, and elastomers) by changing surface properties (stiffness, topography, chemistry and biochemistry) for controlled and directed cellular behavior (adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation) using biomimetic and bioinspired approaches.

Duygu Ege (Biomaterials Production and Characterization):

The main objective of our lab is to produce novel biomaterials in various forms of synthetic or natural scaffolds with improved physical and biological properties. The present research in our lab includes the development of advanced injectable and non-injectable scaffolds with use of chemically and/or biologically modified polymers, metals, ceramics and nanocomposites.  

Banu İyisan (Biofunctional Nanomaterials Design Laboratory)

Our multidisciplinary research interests include the design, fabrication and characterization of smart nanocarrier systems such as nanocapsules, polymersomes, and hybrid nanoparticles to overcome challenges in biomedical research and healthcare applications. Such studies require a highly interdisciplinary working platform that BINDS a variety of inputs from nanobiotechnology, biomaterials, colloids and engineering approaches.